Travel is an inspirational activity that nourishes the soul, and it is a great way to discover more about yourself and your surroundings. We believe that travel should be encouraged amongst children to help broaden their perspectives of the world; it should also be taught at schools to help children learn about other cultures, traditions and people in order to promote tolerance and social awareness. Traveling should not be used only strictly for the fulfillment of checklists or task lists (though seeing things can be part of “traveling” sometimes). But rather, the memory-making opportunity presented by traveling itself helps to inspire us! One way to inspire travelers who care to explore this planet is by creating great shorts that encourage them to make the trip out of their comfort zone.

Traveling, in general, is something most of us have done several times in our lives. Traveling teaches us to adapt to our surroundings and have a greater sense of being open to new experiences. Traveling can be a very enriching experience that encourages people to continue their education and also provides a fantastic opportunity to learn about yourself and the world around you. Traveling not only allows you to appreciate different cultures but it may also allow you the opportunity meet individuals who have inspired you over the years, which in turn may inspire you further in life! In the years I’ve been traveling I’ve made memories that make me smile even when I’m no longer physically present there because beautiful places leave an imprint on my mind forever when they are accompanied by beautiful moments shared with loved ones…

Here is a list of the 5 most important things that travel has taught me over the years.

  1. Travel has taught me to be independent. There will be plenty of times where you will end up alone and need to figure things out, no one you know will be there to lend a helping hand; in these times you need to learn independence and how to navigate things that come your way alone. In the end it makes you stronger.
  2. Travel has taught me patience. When you travel things are out of your control and sometimes things happen, things such as missing your connecting flight and you need to learn to be patient or arriving to the destination to find out your hotel is overbooked or arriving to another country and not knowing the language; these encounters can lead to frustrations but they also teach patience.
  3. Travel teaches me to leave my comfort zone. Putting yourself in a new environment that is not a part of your daily living situation really throws things off and makes you evaluate your surroundings.  This is where growth happens; this is where we start to learn how to navigate uncharted waters because we are forced to. Traveling is the fastest way to get you outside of your own comfort zone.  So go out there and try new foods and go on new adventures that test your limits!
  4. Travel teaches me to think outside the box. When we travel we may encounter situations that are out of our control; when this happens we need to figure out how to get from point A to point B. The conventional way to do things might not work and we need to figure out solutions to our problems that we encounter during travel and let me tell you… there are plenty of times when I’ve had to think outside the box!
  5. Travel has taught me prioritize memories over possessions. You will always be able to take your memories everywhere you go; material things not so much! I much rather save my money for an amazing adventure or travel to a far away land versus buying an expensive possession. Possessions and things eventually breakdown and wear away but you will always have those memories to look back on.